Ancient breakaway civilization
Ancient breakaway civilization

ancient breakaway civilization

They are physical like us and seem to be earth-based in their activities. In several books and blog articles, from different perspectives, I have tried to answer the question – who are these people? Human-looking visitors who obviously mingle in our society and possess an advanced technology. If we are partly dealing with one or more groups of earth-based and undiscovered aliens we are faced with an even greater enigma than extraterrestrial visitors. We are dealing with something very close to home.” During my many years of investigations of contactee cases I have now and then pondered whether this could actually be the answer to some of the very physical contact experiences reported worldwide. And Keel continues: ”Forget the flying saucer propaganda. ”They have hidden behind the extraterrestrial myth” writes John Keel in a letter to my AFU colleague Anders Liljegren, August 10, 1982.

ancient breakaway civilization


Mac Tonnies called them Cryptoterrestrials in his book, published in 2010. In their discussion of theories in The Edge of Reality, Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee used the term earth-bound aliens for this group of visitors. In a mail conversation about The Descendants Tony remarked that although it is a fictional story based on various contactee books: ” have no doubt that there are others living in a more advanced state in hidden places on the planet.” This theory has been advanced in different ways by researchers for many years. A work involving undercover observers keeping a watchful eye detecting threats to the planet and to the hidden community. Because Tim Baker has saved the life of a Descendant his family becomes involved in the secret work this group is undertaking above ground. Numbering tens of thousands they live, unknown to mankind, in large subterranean bases. The woman belongs to an ancient, highly advanced civilization, called the Descendants. He gets a real surprise when she leads him to a hidden saucer-shaped craft, in which she leaves. The story revolves around a young boy, Tim Baker, who while hiking in the New Zealand mountains saves a woman stuck in a crevasse. Some months ago, I reread The Descendants, a fascinating novel by my good friend and research colleague Tony Brunt. Alternate Perceptions Magazine, September 2022Īncient Breakaway Civilization - A Source StudyĮ-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots.

Ancient breakaway civilization